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Use Dependency injection using Dagger-hilt use kapt or ksp in Your Project PART2

 6) In Activity of fragment class you have to add annotations below :

class RoomViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repo: RoomRepo) : ViewModel() {}
fun getUserList() {
viewModelScope.launch {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
"getUserList from viewmodel: ${e.localizedMessage ?: "error in somewhere"}"

7) In Repository file you have to only inject

class RoomRepo @Inject constructor(private val dao: UserDao) {)
suspend fun insertUser(user: User) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("roshan", "insertUser: ${e.localizedMessage ?: "something went woring"}")

8) For dao setup create entitiy first which is model class

data class User(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id:Int=0,
val name:String?=null,
val email:String,
val password:String,
val companyName:String?=null

data class ProductList(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id:Int=0,
val pName:String,
val pQty:Int,
val pRate:Int,
val pImage:String?=null,
var manualQty:Int=0

9) Create database class 

@Database(entities = [User::class,ProductList::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun userDao():UserDao


10) Add converters like this if it needs

class Converters {
fun fromUri(uri: Uri?): String? {
return uri?.toString()

fun toUri(uriString: String?): Uri? {
return uriString?.let { Uri.parse(it) }

11) Some Query related to database

interface UserDao {
suspend fun insertUser(user: User)

@Query("SELECT * FROM User")
suspend fun getAllUsers(): List<User>

@Query("SELECT * FROM ProductList")
suspend fun getAllProducts(): List<ProductList>

suspend fun inserProduct(productList: ProductList)

@Query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM User WHERE email = :email LIMIT 1)")
suspend fun isUserExists(email: String): Boolean

@Query("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM User WHERE email = :email AND password = :password LIMIT 1)")
suspend fun isUserFound(email: String, password: String): Boolean


Now call accordingly your view & functioanlity .,......

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